
Red Touch Media’s webstore solution is a full-service e-Store that offers customers an easy-to-use online media store through a standard web browser. Like our kiosk solution, the webstore solution allows users to search Red Touch Media’s content library, delivering search results and content selection processes tailored for each product line.

Our webstore architecture is set up to allow you to have your own “white label” website with Red Touch Media providing all backend services. Using our application framework, you can add your own branding and any other specialty pages to your customer’s experience.

Red Touch Media’s partners can also work with our development team to customize your site layout and make your webstore fit naturally into the design of your website.

Blue Wave Media

In 2013, Red Touch Media entered into a content distribution agreement with Blue Wave Media, an open access, mobile cloud platform that allows content creators to drive dynamic content and mobile app structure updates at any frequency. Blue Wave Media’s client portfolio features content from multiple categories across film and television, including classical, comedy and animation. Our webstore solution was a key part of their execution.
Learn More: Blue Wave Media

Sound City Music Festiva

Sound City is an international music festival rooted in Liverpool, UK. The festival has now expanded to New York City and Dubai. It has grown to become the largest music and arts festival in the UK.

Sound City’s webstore is a full-service e-Store that offers customers an easy-to-use online media store through which they can purchase relevant content to the Sound City brand. Their custom webstore profile includes pay content such as music from Indie artists that have played Sound City in the past, and free promotional media including event schedules and promotional materials. Additionally, Sound City’s webstore offers music from unsigned artists that are a part of the music festival’s line-up.

Diplomatic Courier

Diplomatic Courier is a global affairs magazine that produces six print editions each year with content addressing diplomacy, negotiations, and conflict resolution among others. Red Touch Media built a custom webstore for the publication, highlighting content with an international scope including award winning documentaries and global music. The webstore is a full-service e-Store built within Diplomatic Courier’s existing website. It provides customers with an easy-to-use online media store.


In the world of audio devices, Skullcandy has made its mark. The youth oriented audio brand is continually releasing new, top of the line products and has tapped some seriously big names to rep its products (including Kevin Durant and Kate Upton). What goes hand in hand with audio equipment? Music! Red Touch Media created a custom webstore for Skullcandy, as well as a custom music profile to uniquely attract their target demographic.